Typological Characteristics of Language in Connection with the Nature of the Significant Function of Phonemes


  • Bakhtiyor Gafurov Bukhara state medical institute DSc in Philology, professor of the department of Uzbek Language and Literature, Russian and English languages Author




morpheme, phoneme, borrowing, vocabulary, root, word formation, assimilation


This research thesis is aimed at identifying typological characteristics of language through phonetic-morphological analysis of the nature of the significative phonemic function. The validity of this process is associated with the inseparable phono-morphological connection of the phoneme and morpheme, since under certain word-formation circumstances within a lexeme and even a word form, a phoneme can easily induce morphemic manifestations in itself and vice versa. This and some other characteristic features of the functioning of phonemes through the prism of the morphological field are considered in the proposed scientific work.


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How to Cite

Gafurov, B. (2024). Typological Characteristics of Language in Connection with the Nature of the Significant Function of Phonemes. Conference Proceedings: Fostering Your Research Spirit, 74-76. https://doi.org/10.2024/myx0rx17

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