Linguocultural and Linguopragmatic Features of the Concept of "Hospitality" in English and Uzbek


  • Mekhrigul Najmiddinova Navoi state pedagogical institute,teacher of department of English practical course Author



hospitality, culture, linguocultural and linguopragmatic features, comparative analysis


This thesis explores the concept of "hospitality" as expressed in English and Uzbek, focusing on its linguocultural and linguopragmatic features. By analyzing the linguistic expressions, cultural values, and social practices surrounding hospitality in both cultures, the study aims to highlight the similarities and differences that shape the understanding of this essential social concept. This structure provides a comprehensive approach to understanding the concept of hospitality in both cultures, focusing on the intricacies of language and social interaction.The concept of "hospitality" holds significant cultural importance in both English and Uzbek societies, reflecting different linguistic and pragmatic characteristics. Here’s a comparative analysis of its linguocultural and linguopragmatic features in both languages.


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How to Cite

Najmiddinova, M. (2024). Linguocultural and Linguopragmatic Features of the Concept of "Hospitality" in English and Uzbek. Conference Proceedings: Fostering Your Research Spirit, 307-309.

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