The Developing Communicative Skills of Students in Higher Education Institutions
collaborative, prevalent, multimedia, experience, meaningful, dimension, innovation, communication, effective, competence, perspective, negotiate, participation, individual, interaction, provide, authentic, appropriateAbstract
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the integration of technology in education has become increasingly prevalent. Higher Education Institutions are continuously exploring innovative approaches to teaching and learning to meet the diverse needs of students and prepare them for the challenges of the 21st century. By examining the intersection of technology and communication, this study aims to contribute to the growing body of literature on effective pedagogical practices in higher education. Traditionally, communicative skills have been regarded as essential competencies for success in both academic and professional domains. Proficiency in communication enables individuals to express ideas effectively, collaborate with others, and navigate complex social and cultural contexts. However, the advent of digital technologies has revolutionized the way communication occurs, presenting new opportunities and challenges for educators.
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