
  • Maftuna Boboyorova teacher of English at Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan Author
  • Aziza Eshmurodova student of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan Author



vocabulary, effective learning strategies


The purpose of this literature is to investigate common vocabulary learning strategies and find out how the strategies used to learn vocabulary are connected to the level of vocabulary knowledge and also, the significance of suitable strategies in facilitating proficient vocabulary acquisition. Exploring strategies for effective vocabulary learning highlights the transformative impact on education, reshaping the learning methods for students and teaching approaches for educators. Drawing insights from comprehensive research, this examination emphasizes the benefits of these strategies in fostering student engagement without getting bored, motivation, gaining knowledge, and collaborative learning. It also acknowledges potential challenges and drawbacks, providing insights into how to implement these strategies effectively. In essence, the focus is on the pivotal role these strategies play in enriching the learning journey and helping to students for the linguistic demands of today's world.


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How to Cite

Boboyorova, M., & Eshmurodova, A. (2024). STRATEGIES FOR EFFECTIVE LEARNING VOCABULARY. Conference Proceedings: Fostering Your Research Spirit, 54-59.

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