reciprocal teaching, reading proficiency, narrative texts, quasi-experimental design, eleventh-grade students, SMAN 1 SIKUR, academic achievement, instructional methods, cognitive skills, educational interventionsAbstract
The findings from SMAN 1 SIKUR indicated a prevalent deficiency in students' reading proficiency that necessitated targeted intervention within the educational framework. Deficiencies in reading proficiency could notably impede students' comprehension of narrative texts, hinder cognitive knowledge acquisition, and curtail their capacity to articulate ideas both in written and verbal forms. This study aimed to assess the efficacy of employing reciprocal teaching techniques to enhance students' ability to comprehend narrative texts. The research specifically targeted eleventh-grade students at SMAN 1 SIKUR during the academic year 2023/2024. The study adopted a quasi-experimental approach with an experimental research design, specifically utilizing a Pretest Posttest Control Group Design. This design entailed two sample classes: the experimental group received instruction in narrative text reading through reciprocal teaching techniques, while a control group underwent conventional instructional methods. The research sample comprised 62 students, divided equally between the experimental (31 students) and control (31 students) groups. Notably, the average posttest score for the experimental group was 2.158, while the control group averaged 2.230. Analysis revealed a statistically significant impact of the Reciprocal Teaching Technique on narrative text comprehension among eleventh-grade students at SMAN 1 SIKUR, with the observed difference in posttest scores attesting to this effect (as confirmed by a "sig" value < 0.05).
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