
  • Anvar Yokubov Teacher, Samarkand Institute of Economy and Service Author
  • Aminjon Fozilov Student, Samarkand Institute of Economy and Service Author



teacher, specialist, standardized, math, primary school, special classes


A specialist instructor oversees all work in the same subject across multiple classes. He may have a designated room where he takes his classes. A class instructor is in charge of all or most of a class's work during the course of the year. No hard and fast standards can be established to determine the basis on which the head of an institution should distribute work among the various members of the staff. Arguments can be made both for and against each form of organization.


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How to Cite

Yokubov, A., & Fozilov, A. (2024). ADVANTAGES OF SUBJECT TEACHING. Conference Proceedings: Fostering Your Research Spirit, 51-55.