Influence of Social Media on Contemporary Lexical Change


  • Sevinch Sunnatova Student of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages Author



social media, transformation, lexical change, platforms, communication, slang, linguistic diversity


This thesis explores the profound influence of social media on contemporary lexical change, examining how digital communication platforms shape language evolution in the 21st century. As social media becomes an integral part of daily life, its impact on language use, creation, and transformation has garnered significant academic interest. This study employs a multidisciplinary approach, integrating linguistics, sociolinguistics, and media studies to analyze various dimensions of lexical change, including the emergence of neologisms, shifts in semantic meaning, and changes in language usage patterns. The study begins by mapping the landscape of contemporary lexical change, identifying key phenomena such as neologisms, semantic shifts, and the emergence of new language varieties. Using a mixed-methods framework, the research analyzes a corpus of social media posts, focusing on user-generated content that exemplifies linguistic creativity and innovation. Through quantitative analysis, patterns of lexical change are quantified, while qualitative case studies illustrate the contextual factors driving these shifts.


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How to Cite

Sunnatova, S. (2024). Influence of Social Media on Contemporary Lexical Change. Conference Proceedings: Fostering Your Research Spirit, 216-220.