The Emergence and Development of Views on Paremiology in Linguistics


  • Dilshoda Sindarova Teacher of SamSIFL Author



Paremiology, proverbs, linguistics, cultural identity, folklore, communication, cognitive linguistics, interdisciplinary studies


This article explores the emergence and development of paremiology within the field of linguistics. Paremiology, the study of proverbs and sayings, has been a subject of interest for centuries, with proverbs being considered an integral part of any language and culture. The article traces the historical development of paremiological studies, from early philosophical reflections on the nature of proverbs to the more contemporary linguistic approaches. It highlights key contributions from scholars in linguistics, folklore, and anthropology, and demonstrates how paremiology has evolved into an interdisciplinary field that intersects language, culture, and cognition. Furthermore, the article discusses the significance of proverbs in shaping linguistic theory, communication, and cultural identity.


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How to Cite

Sindarova, D. (2024). The Emergence and Development of Views on Paremiology in Linguistics. Conference Proceedings: Fostering Your Research Spirit, 113-115.

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