Exploring Pedagogical Strategies: Tailored Techniques for Assessing Children's Developmental Capacities


  • Zulfizar Rakhimova Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages Author
  • Zarnigor Bahriddinova Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages Author




correctional education system, children with disabilities, zone of proximal development, principles of formative experiment, case assignments for students


The article proposes methods for assessing and research methods for the zone of proximal development in children with disabilities. The system of work of the Department of Innovative Educational Technologies and Educational Pedagogy for preparing students to use assessment methods and methods for studying the zone of proximal development when organizing work with children with disabilities is presented.


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Author Biographies

  • Zulfizar Rakhimova, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages

    Teacher of English at the Chair of Innovative Educational Technologies and Pedagogy, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan

  • Zarnigor Bahriddinova , Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages

    Teacher of English at the Chair of Innovative Educational Technologies and Pedagogy, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan


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How to Cite

Rakhimova, Z. ., & Bahriddinova , Z. . (2023). Exploring Pedagogical Strategies: Tailored Techniques for Assessing Children’s Developmental Capacities. Journal of Language Pedagogy and Innovative Applied Linguistics, 1(4), 125-131. https://doi.org/10.1997/mebbwf22