Mastering Antonyms: Innovative Approaches for Enhancing Vocabulary in Schools


  • Shekhroz Akhtamov Teachers of English at the Chair of English Language and Literature, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan Author



vocabulary, antonyms, independent student activities, teaching opposites, repetition, retrieval, imaging, mnemonics, motivation


This article illustrates some effective ways of teaching antonyms at schools. It is known that educators and teachers use innovative and quite interesting methods in teaching antonyms at schools currently. It is said that improvement of a foreign language is not possible without enhancing vocabulary as it is the foundation stone of any language and antonyms are considered the most important part of vocabulary. In the article there are given instructions of some effective ways that can be used in classes in order to teach antonyms.


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How to Cite

Akhtamov, S. (2023). Mastering Antonyms: Innovative Approaches for Enhancing Vocabulary in Schools. Journal of Language Pedagogy and Innovative Applied Linguistics, 1(4), 132-137.

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