The Necessity of Establishing a World-Class Standard to Enhance the Research and Pedagogical Skills of Educators


  • Aziza Musoyeva Samarkand state institute of foreign languages, PhD, docent Author



standard, research competence, pedagogical skills, prospective instructors, framework, professional standards for teachers


This article discusses the significance of standards in enhancing teachers' research and pedagogical abilities. The paper emphasizes the significance of several reforms implemented in the education sector in our country. It also emphasizes the significance of legislative documents enacted to enhance teachers’ competencies. The article presents instances of world-class standards to provide comprehensive knowledge for the advancement of our own standards in this context.


Musoyeva A.B. Formation and development of professional skills of future foreign language teachers through CEFR (in the case of English): Dis.d.f.. - Samarkand 2022, 192 p.

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Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership 2011, Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, AITSL, Melbourne. – 32 p.

Santiago, Paulo, et al. (2016), “The teaching workforce in Estonia”, in OECD Reviews of School Resources: Estonia 2016, OECD Publishing, Paris – 191-221 pp.

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Musoyeva, A. B. (2021). The importance of competencies in improving the professional skills of future foreign language teachers. Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research, 10(9), 89-95.




How to Cite

Musoyeva, A. (2024). The Necessity of Establishing a World-Class Standard to Enhance the Research and Pedagogical Skills of Educators. Conference Proceedings: Fostering Your Research Spirit, 418-421.

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