2024: Advanced Methods of Ensuring Quality of Education: Problems and Solutions

"JA Inkwell Publishing Conference Proceedings is the official record of the 'Advanced Methods of Ensuring Quality of Education: Problems and Solutions' and/or partner conference meetings."
Title: Proceedings of the Conference of SamSIFL, 2024: Themes 4 | Editor in Chief: A. Navarro (JA Inkwell Publishing, USA)
Conference title: Advanced Methods of Ensuring Quality of Education: Problems and Solutions Conference: 2024 – Themes 1-4.
Advanced Methods of Ensuring Quality of Education: Problems and Solutions. International Scientific Practical Conference Proceedings.
Conference date: 2-3 May, 2024
Location: Main Building of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Bustonsaroy str., 93, Samarkand 140104, Uzbekistan
Conference themes: Current problems of modern teaching methods in the distance education system; Global problems of development of innovative methods in education and their solutions; Innovative approaches and new trends in modern education; Principles of using effective methods of teaching subjects in various fields
Conference Editorial Board:
Chairman - Assoc. Prof., Dr. Fazliddin Ruzikulov (Acting Rector of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan);
Deputy Chairman - Assoc. Prof., Bekpulat Turobov (Acting Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan);
Deputy Chairman - Assoc. Prof., Dr. Anvar Ismailov (Dean of English Faculty-I of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan);
Responsible Editor - Assoc. Prof., Dr. Gulnoza Boltakulova (Head of the Chair at Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan)
Executive Secretary - Asqar Abdullaev (Teacher of English at the chair of Innovative Educational Technologies and Pedagogy)