
  • Nigora Azzamova the teacher of SamSIFL Author




discourse, political discourse, characteristics, interpretation


This article deals with a classification of types of political discourse depends on the definition of what is meant by the political sphere. One could take the limited view that political discourse is simply the words and text produced by politicians, but there are many other participants in a democracy. It may be more accurate to look at the political activities of electors, pressure groups, media, political parties and other players in the political process and examine the types of discourse in which they engage. Although discourse is primarily in the spoken and written word, the definition may be widened to include communication by actions, as in political demonstrations and sit-ins.


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How to Cite

Azzamova, N. (2024). POLITICAL DISCOURSE IN LINGUISTICS. Conference Proceedings: Fostering Your Research Spirit, 83-86. https://doi.org/10.2024/fhp50648

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