
  • Zoya Sarsenbaeva PhD., D.Sc. Candidate, Termez State University, Republic of Uzbekistan Author



imagery, symbolism, non-realistic, elements, literature, literary expression, narrative, contexts


This article describes the analysis of selected passages from chosen texts, with a focus on descriptions of imagery, symbolism, and non-realistic elements. By closely examining these literary components, scholars aim to unravel deeper layers of meaning and thematic resonance within non-realistic literature. The analysis involves a close reading approach, wherein scholars meticulously dissect passages from selected texts to identify and interpret imagery, symbolism, and non-realistic elements. This method allows for a nuanced examination of the text's aesthetic and thematic dimensions. Non-realistic elements, such as surrealistic imagery, magical occurrences, and fantastical settings, are subjected to analysis to understand their function within the text. Scholars examine how these elements disrupt conventional reality, challenge reader expectations, and convey abstract concepts or philosophical themes.


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How to Cite

Sarsenbaeva, Z. (2024). DESCRIPTIONS OF IMAGERY, SYMBOLISM, AND NON-REALISTIC ELEMENTS. Conference Proceedings: Fostering Your Research Spirit, 409-414.

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