phraseological unities, scientific terms, catchphrases, puns, literary quotations, proverbs, sayings, inclusion, and non-reinterpreted phrases, phraseological expressions, colloquial vocabulary, modern authors, periodicals, feature films, similarities, differences, distinctive features, relevance, comparative studyAbstract
Phraseological units, often referred to as "idiomatic expressions" or "fixed phrases," play a significant role in language comprehension and production. These units are not simply combinations of words but carry specific meanings that may not be predictable from their individual components. Understanding how phraseological units are processed cognitively can shed light on language comprehension mechanisms. The high level of development of phraseology and the growing interest in colloquial vocabulary, which manifests itself in the fiction of modern authors, in periodicals and feature films, determines the relevance of comparing languages, identifying their similarities and differences in certain aspects. The comparative study of phraseological systems of different languages is of great importance both for the development of a general theory of phraseology and for the study of the common and distinctive features of the languages under study. In this article, we delve into a comparative analysis of phraseological units from various languages, examining their cognitive aspects.
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