Analysis of Language, Text, and Speech


  • Ali Abdul Zahir Abu Omra Associate Professor at Tashkent State University for Oriental Studies in Uzbekistan Author



Information, Field, Culture, Technology, Strategies, Development


Language analysis is no longer dependent on theoretical interpretations and personal taste, but has become a broad science and a fertile field for modern research and studies based on technological frameworks and various tools and techniques for analyzing language, understanding texts and speech, and perceiving the codes and secrets behind them. These are placed under the microscope of monitoring phenomena, interpreting and studying them, and identifying everything new in this vital, important, and precise field, which contributes to communication between individuals and societies, and even countries and peoples, leading to more cooperation, exchange of experiences, development, and prosperity.


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How to Cite

Ali Abdul Zahir Abu Omra. (2024). Analysis of Language, Text, and Speech. Conference Proceedings: Fostering Your Research Spirit, 19-22.

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