Theoretical Phonetics: Vowel System. Principles of Classification


  • Fozilakhon Sultonova Student Author



phonetics, vowel classification, phonology, monophtongs, diphtongs, diphtongoids, tongue height, tongue position, lip rounding, lax vowels, oral cavity, cardinal vowels, tense vowels, implications, articulations


This article delves into the fascinating world of English vowels, exploring the principles underlying their classification and the complexities they present for both language learners and native speakers. The study examines the key parameters used to categorize vowels, including tongue height, tongue position (front/back), and lip rounding. It highlights the challenges posed by the inherently dynamic nature of vowels, which are subject to variations in pronunciation based on context and individual speaker characteristics. The article further explores the interplay of phonetics and phonology in the classification of vowels, addressing the impact of surrounding sounds on vowel articulation and the development of allophones. By examining the intricacies of English vowel classification, this paper sheds light on the dynamic and nuanced nature of spoken language.


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How to Cite

Sultonova, F. (2024). Theoretical Phonetics: Vowel System. Principles of Classification. Conference Proceedings: Fostering Your Research Spirit, 212-215.

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