The Stability of Articulation: An Analysis of Phonetic Consistency and Linguistic Variation


  • Ruxshona Karimberganova Student Author



articulation stability, phonetic consistency, speech production, articulation, physiological differences, cross-linguistic analysis, speech disorders, acoustic phonetics, technological advances


This thesis explores the concept of articulation stability in speech production, which refers to the consistency with which phonemes are produced despite natural variations in speech. It examines both physiological and cognitive mechanisms that maintain stable articulation and addresses the factors that introduce variability, such as articulation, individual speaker differences, and speech disorders. By incorporating insights from linguistics, speech pathology, and advances in speech analysis technology, the thesis sheds light on how articulation remains stable across different languages, dialects, and speech contexts. Further, the role of modern technologies, such as speech recognition and phonetic analysis tools, in studying and enhancing our understanding of articulatory stability is discussed.


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How to Cite

Karimberganova, R. (2024). The Stability of Articulation: An Analysis of Phonetic Consistency and Linguistic Variation. Conference Proceedings: Fostering Your Research Spirit, 221-224.

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