Khaled Hosseini’s Role in American Literature as a Exemplary of Immigrant Genre and His Bestsellers


  • Gulbahor Nazarova Bukahara State University, Associate Professor (PhD) Author
  • Nafisa Sirojeva Bukhara State University, MA student Author



literature, genres, American literature, Khaled Hosseini, immigrant genre


In this article, the authors analyze the key aspects of the Khaled Hosseini’s works and his contribution to the American literature. The authors explore the style and genre of the famous books of Khaled Hosseini. They delve into the aspects of immigrant genre, its difference from other genres and compare it to other American authors works.


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How to Cite

Nazarova, G., & Sirojeva, N. (2024). Khaled Hosseini’s Role in American Literature as a Exemplary of Immigrant Genre and His Bestsellers. Conference Proceedings: Fostering Your Research Spirit, 263-265.

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