Students’ Perceptions on the Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Learning Activities


  • Jamaluddin Nasution Universitas Prima Indonesia Author
  • Chitra Latiffani Universitas Royal Author
  • Nurhayani Pandia UPT SDN 060914 Medan Sunggal Author



Artificial Intelligence (AI), learning, respondents


This study aims to examine students' perceptions of the use of artificial intelligence technology in an educational context, focusing on understanding, benefits, and challenges faced. The research is conducted descriptively based on data that has been analyzed qualitatively to explore students' perceptions of the utilization of artificial intelligence technology. Questions were given to students as respondents to obtain an overview of their perceptions of the use of artificial intelligence in learning activities. The questionnaire results can be classified into four aspects: 1) Understanding of Artificial Intelligence (97.8%); 2) Frequency of Artificial Intelligence Use (use of ChatGPT); 3) Perception of Artificial Intelligence; and 4) Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Learning (77.8%). This study is expected to identify factors influencing student acceptance of AI, as well as provide insights for the development of educational policies that support the effective integration of AI in future learning and education.


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How to Cite

Nasution, J., Latiffani, C., & Pandia, N. (2024). Students’ Perceptions on the Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Learning Activities. Conference Proceedings: Fostering Your Research Spirit, 591-599.

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