The Power of Political Euphemisms: Crafting Public Perception in English and Uzbek


  • Gulnavoz Karimova SаmSIFL, Tеаchеr of thе dеpаrtmеnt of Еnglish thеory аnd prаcticе Author
  • Marjona Kamolova Student at SamSIFL Author



Political euphemisms, public perception, framing strategies, language manipulation, cultural discourse


This article explores how political euphemisms serve as a powerful tool for shaping public perception in both English and Uzbek political discourse. It examines the strategies politicians use to frame contentious issues in a more favorable light and manage public opinion by replacing direct, confrontational language with softer alternatives. By comparing examples from both languages, this article highlights the cultural and political implications of euphemisms in obscuring controversial topics and managing emotional reactions.


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How to Cite

Karimova, G., & Kamolova, M. (2024). The Power of Political Euphemisms: Crafting Public Perception in English and Uzbek. Conference Proceedings: Fostering Your Research Spirit, 350-352.

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