Features of Feminine Pronouns in the Arabic Language


  • Ahmed Mahmoud Ahmed Mohamed SamDCHTI, xorijlik malakali mutaxassisi (Misr) image/svg+xml Author
  • Hashem Ismail Hammam Aliy SamDCHTI, xorijlik malakali mutaxassisi (Misr) image/svg+xml Author




title, feminization of words, kasra, equality, woman


The research sheds light on the distinctive characteristics of feminization of words in the Arabic language compared to other languages. Highlights: The diversity of titles used to address women in the Arabic language, and how these titles change with the change in the social, cultural, historical context and cultural connotations. Titles carry deep cultural and social connotations, and reflect society's view of women and their role. And the status of women in the Arabic language that is ignored by some people. In general, this research is a good starting point for a deeper study of feminization in the Arabic language, and provides a strong theoretical framework for further research and scrutiny.

Author Biography

  • Ahmed Mahmoud Ahmed Mohamed, SamDCHTI, xorijlik malakali mutaxassisi (Misr)

    SamDCHTI, xorijlik malakali mutaxassisi (Misr)


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How to Cite

Ahmed Mahmoud Ahmed Mohamed, & Hashem Ismail Hammam Aliy. (2024). Features of Feminine Pronouns in the Arabic Language. Conference Proceedings: Fostering Your Research Spirit, 6-10. https://doi.org/10.2024/tjefsp58

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