Task-Based Learning: A Practical Approach to Language Acquisition


  • Muattar Nasimova Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages Author
  • Nafosat Buranova Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages Author




task – based, authentic, real-world, principle, problem-solving


Task-based language teaching (TBLT) focuses on using authentic language and asking students to complete meaningful tasks using the target language. Such tasks may include visiting a doctor, conducting an interview, or contacting customer service for assistance. Assessment is primarily based on task performance (in other words, correct performance of real-world tasks) rather than on the accuracy of prescribed language forms. This makes TBLT particularly popular for developing target language fluency and student confidence. Thus, TBLT can be considered a branch of communicative language teaching (CLT).


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Author Biographies

  • Muattar Nasimova, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages

    Teacher of English at the chair of “Innovation Educational Technologies and Pedagogy”, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan

  • Nafosat Buranova, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages

    Teacher of English at the chair of “Innovation Educational Technologies and Pedagogy”, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan


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How to Cite

Nasimova, M., & Buranova, N. (2023). Task-Based Learning: A Practical Approach to Language Acquisition. Journal of Language Pedagogy and Innovative Applied Linguistics, 1(4), 96-100. https://doi.org/10.1997/rksgg129

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