The Content of Using Media Technologies in English Lessons for A1 Level Students


  • Ikram Zarlikov Doctoral student. Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh (Uzbekistan) Author



media technologies, English lessons, A1 level students, Uzbekistan, media literacy, interdisciplinary, lexical competence, communication skills


The article discusses the integration of media technologies in teaching English to A1 level students, emphasizing their role in enhancing learning outcomes. It highlights the transformation in Uzbekistan’s educational landscape due to advancements in media, which has led to improved access to diverse information sources. The article outlines various methods and approaches, including media literacy, to develop students' lexical competence and critical thinking. Furthermore, it stresses the importance of using modern pedagogical tools to make lessons more interactive and engaging. The research suggests that incorporating media education fosters better understanding and effective communication skills among learners.


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How to Cite

Zarlikov, I. (2024). The Content of Using Media Technologies in English Lessons for A1 Level Students. Conference Proceedings: Fostering Your Research Spirit, 523-526.

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