N.Scott Momaday and the American Literary Landscape: Bringing Native American Voices to the Forefront
N. Scott Momaday, Native American literature, American literary landscape, Native American Renaissance, indigenous identity, cultural heritage, contemporary American literatureAbstract
N. Scott Momaday, an acclaimed Kiowa novelist, poet, and essayist, has made an indelible mark on contemporary American literature. His work, particularly the Pulitzer Prize-winning House Made of Dawn, was instrumental in introducing Native American perspectives to a broader readership and is often cited as a catalyst for the Native American Renaissance in literature. This article explores Momaday’s influence on American literary culture, highlighting his role in expanding the representation of Native American heritage, values, and narratives in mainstream literature. By examining key themes, narrative techniques, and the cultural significance of his work, this article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of Momaday’s impact on American literature and on indigenous identity representation.
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Conference Proceedings Volume
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