Phraseological Units Reflecting the Traditions and Customs of the English People in Sociolinguistics


  • Shahzoda Farhodova Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages Author
  • Ulug’bek Nasritdinov Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages Author



English Phraseological Units, National Cultural Traits, Language and Culture Sociolinguistic Significance


The present article offers the multilevel nature of the English phraseological units and the peculiarities of their use as a way of reflecting the national cultural traits of the English people. Phraseological units are a mirror of the people. They fully reveal the national specifics of the language, its identity.


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Author Biographies

  • Shahzoda Farhodova, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages

    Teacher of English at the chair of “Innovation Educational Technologies and Pedagogy”, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan

  • Ulug’bek Nasritdinov, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages

    Teacher of English at the chair of “Innovation Educational Technologies and Pedagogy”, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan


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How to Cite

Farhodova, S., & Nasritdinov, U. (2023). Phraseological Units Reflecting the Traditions and Customs of the English People in Sociolinguistics. Journal of Language Pedagogy and Innovative Applied Linguistics, 1(4), 70-74.

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