The Role of Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication in Learning Foreign Language


  • Sevinch A’zamova Student of English Faculty-I, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan Author
  • Zarina Mamatqulova Student of English Faculty-I, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan Author
  • Zaynab Shermamatova Teacher of English at the Chair of Lexicology and Stylistics of English, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan Author



communication, second language, ambiguous interpretations, eye contact, encourage students, instructor immediacy, multimodal, motivation


The purpose of this research is to examine the nonverbal communication of a native speaker and a second language learner. The disparities in nonverbal cues between second language learners and native speakers are highlighted in particular. The current research also includes some suggestions for foreign language teachers to increase their knowledge of their students' body language in the target language and promote awareness of the importance of nonverbal communication in second language discourse.


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How to Cite

A’zamova, S., Mamatqulova, Z., & Shermamatova, Z. (2023). The Role of Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication in Learning Foreign Language. Journal of Language Pedagogy and Innovative Applied Linguistics, 1(4), 192-195.

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